Open Press Compatible Typesetting Bed
A typesetting bed, table, type and tray compatible with Martin Schneider's amazing <a href=””>Open Press Project</a> DIY etching press parts. <b>Bed & Table</b> -The table file included here is a lengthened version of the Open Press original with a four hole pattern to attach to the typesetting bed. Four M3 nuts are pressed into the underside of the table and four M3x12 Allen screws are used to attach the pieces together. The Typesetting bed uses seven M5 Allen screws and nuts for clamping type. -The ink spacer is meant to keep your brayer in line while inking. <b>Type Tray</b> -This prints in two pieces, flat surfaces against the print bed. The pieces snap together with a friction fit and the lid has a flex snap closure. <b>Type</b> -The type blocks included here are based on Arial Black type to get the width needed to print. Note: I haven't inked or printed this to paper yet, so its all just precision guesswork to this point!