Raspberry Pi Zero + Ethernet/USB Hat + OLED Hat case.

Raspberry Pi Zero + Ethernet/USB Hat + OLED Hat case.


I printed up a 2 part case to contain The following Raspberry Pi setup: 1x Raspberry Pi Zero W 1x Ethernet/USB Hat : https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07T16RSFM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 1x Waveshare 1.3" OLED Hat : https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B078D6NXFM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 This is part of a project for Pirowflo - a Water Rower to Ant/BLE project here : https://github.com/inonoob/pirowflo Its a great open project and I wanted to give back and design a case for it the hardware that was recommended. Putting it together: There are 6 parts to this , the top and bottom case, and 4 standoffs. There is a taller standoff to separate the Pi from the Ethernet hat, and then a shorter standoff for the Oled Hat. Print 2x of each standoff. The case top and the standoffs have holes for a 3mm screw to pass through, the OLED Hat and the Ethernet Hat have 3mm holes as well in the corners. The case is base has smaller holes for threading for a 3mm tap into to screw into that, (Note Raspberry Pi Zero W that I had, I needed to drill out the corner holes to 3mm). To put it all together you need 4x 3mmx30mm bolts. if you want to attach a bracket onto the back you can also just drill out the base holes and use 3x35mm and screw into some backing platform. ** DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN... you will break the case if you do** If the screws stick out the bottom to any extent, use a washer on the top. This case was designed to be printed on a resin (DLP/MSLA/SLA) printer but it may work on a normal FDM printer... I haven't tried on my FDM with this, but probably will work with a small enough nozzle. .






