OSB 3D Connector
With these connectors, you can assemble a stand for your 3D printer of any size. Use standard OSB boards or a furniture board that can be cut to your size in the store and assembled at home as IKEA furniture. For example: - 3 walls 500X1000, - the bottom and lid 500X500, - 2 shelves 515X515 (shelves need to be made 15 mm larger so that they do not hang out) - and 2 narrow inserts 30X1000. For the four outer corners, you will need 4 sets of Bowl+Bolt+Nut. For each shelf, you need 4 sets of Nook+Nook Nut+Bolt. Bolts is best printed with 100% infill. To save plastic, all the parts inside are empty, but very strong. If you print out the hinges (for example: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4783423), you can add a door. https://youtu.be/sIG9NMlG6_Q <hr> <h2>You may be interested in another option: </h2> <br> <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4829709"><img src="https://cdn.thingiverse.com/assets/38/39/60/5d/a9/featured_preview_003.jpg" border="0"></a> <hr> <center><a href="https://paypal.me/mishkin2"><img src="http://infofranpro.wdfiles.com/local--files/start/paypal%20logo.jpg" border="0"></a></center> <center>Thank you for every review, like and donation,<br> It motivates and helps to implement new projects!</center> <hr>