ATM6 - for Casual X-Wing Gaming

ATM6 - for Casual X-Wing Gaming


Need a bigger target for your U-Wing than just a ATAT? This is a low res model of an ATM6. It is scaled for X-Wing miniatures game. The model easily prints in five parts, Body and four legs. They all snap together, With supports, the legs print easy and support removal is minimal. Supports are a bit more of a pain on the body, but quite frankly, unless you look underneath, you don't need a great clean up job. It is based on the most excellent model by Jace1969; Thing 2756458. For some reason I can't link it as a remix right now. As it is scaled down from the original, some parts were strengthened and others simplified so they would both print and support removal was doable. Why snap legs? Well printing an ATM6 or ATAT with the legs on makes you a model that is very difficult to separate the supports.... without snapping a leg or two. Separate legs = a much easier job. You can also pose the legs somewhat. Be careful about removing the supports around the head, without some care you could accidentally remove a gun. And then No Pew Pew for you! The model shown was printed in 0.4mm layers. I would suggest 0.2mm for higher resolution. At this scale there are details that don't show well unless you use a smaller nozzle, say 0.35 or even 0.25, but the print times would correspondingly increase. Printed on the M3D Promega, 0.5 mm nozzle 3/19/2021 - Corrected a couple of blemished on the right front axle.






