LED Stripe Tower Edge Version

LED Stripe Tower Edge Version


Inspired by cocoboy on Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4735937 I've drawed it new inspired by Cocoboys one. I saw many potential on it. So i put more Design and optimizations in it. So you can compare whats new. I build a one for any aftermarket alexa controlled LED stripes. Stick the Stripe easily on the tube and stow the controller under the base. The tubes are stackable, so you can make a 2-3 Meter tower or what you want. Printed on my Ender 3 V2 with Support, Brim and 45mm/s printing speed. If you have troubles because the tubes are printed too small, you can stick duct tape to fix it. I had problems with the tolerances in older versions. It should be solved. Just a tip. Better is the way to glue the tubes together. I drawed a triangle inside the tubes, that the glue can escape, the next effect of the triangles is less material.






