AeVOC Housing for C´T 2021/3 Project
#Air Quality Sensor AeVOC ##Alternate Housing This is a alternate Housing for a air-quality-sensor, published on **C´T (Computer and Technology)** 2021/3 Page 118 This device analyses ambient air about fine dust, aerosols, carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons. The device is displaying measurements on a OLED display and a array of WS2812. The uses CPU-Module is a ESP32 (NodeMCU). All measurement datas are alternatively streamed into the WLAN or can integrated in houseautomation. [Link]( Sourcecode, Schematic and all other stuff is placed here: [Link]( Motivation of this thing: This project looks very fine but in original, a housing of wood was given wich was very big and aditional, a fan was planned for ventilation air to CS811 and DHT22-Sensor. **what?* First, why wasting place with such housing an why a **second** fan. SDS11-Sensor has a build in radial fan wich is very silent and is doing it´s job. So i started to make a alternate housing with special features. **Enjoy!** The SDS11 Fan is sucking air for analysis aim on the top of the housing. After passing SDS11 fine-dust/aerosol analysis air will be blowed on CS811 and DHT22 for further analysis. Exausts is designed on the upper side wall, so any warming oft the air will build thermic-effect and helps venting sensors. This housing is **printfriendly** means it is easy to print and needs no support For the powersupply i used this components: Bush 5.5mm x 2.1mm: [Link] Supply: [Link]ÅMÅŽÕÑ&dchild=1&keywords=5V+4A&qid=1616253686&s=computers&sr=1-5 **Dim down LEDs. This saves your life, your eyes and reduces sefheating of AeVOC!!!** Additional you need a short (5mm..10mm) Tube (about 5.5mm..5.7mm in diameter, 6.5mm out diameter (or a shrink tube, i used) and 2 3mm screws length about 3..6 mm All wires i used had a length of 80mm. You don´t need longer cables. --- #Housing is mounted in this order: > Place Front part, face down. > Put LED-Array into Front part and put OLED-Display into forseen moulding area > Insert "Andruckplatte". This part holds LED-Array and OLED in position > SDI-Part has to be prepared with hot air like shown on photo. The function is to build springs wich are pressing the "Andruckplatte" about 2mm. > Insert SDI-part. Put CS811 and DHT22 Sensor in forseen place (you can glue it if you want, or use tape) > Put SDS11-Sensor on forseen 3 pins. Fan should now be placed exactly to the sensors > Mount a small Tube (Shrinktube is also possible) on intake of SDS11 so Air will be sucked outside the housing. > Plug the ESP32-Module on the forseen terminals and fix it with a hot nail by melting ends of terminals > Put the CPU-part with mounted ESP32 on the stack. > Mount the Power-bush on Back-part > Close housing with the Back-part by pushing it together and use 2 3mm screws to fix everything. > Glue the exaust-cover "Lueftung" on the housing. **The exaust hole is 20mm x 20mm. You can personalise your AeVOC-device by making your own grid/cover (Smiley, Sun, Cloud, ...)** This Files are Version 26. The hole project in german: [link]