Mirror, window, picture, photo or clip frame - 3mm thick object

Mirror, window, picture, photo or clip frame - 3mm thick object


edit 11/4/2021: I added my final version of pieces with I printed for my project. While the older ones are ale lets say same, the new ones are each in multiple way unique. Slight changes of lock of pieces, bigger holes and little bit bigger corner for cases, where prints does simply have different dimensions in reality, than in design. Based on this experience and the fact, that once mirror is put together and frame glued, it cannot be dismantled without breaking the frame I strongly recommend to print piece by piece and make slight changes to achieve the best fit. Edit 24/3/2021: be aware. Printis currently under way. My recommendation is to print maximum pieces vertical without supports. Super detail, with speed acceleretion on printer to 300%( from 40mm) does Wonder in my caee (rPLA). Joints a holes si better to change dimensions by 0.xx mm to be moře loosly during assembly. As soon as i will have all pieces pribted and frame assembled, i will release v2. = This is my take for my RV's mirror frame. Frame is setup from 2 sketches for 400mm*300mm mirror with 5mm inner offset from edge to center of the mirror. My mirror is 3mm thick. Its is divided to parts for printing on 220*220*250 (ender 3 v2). Dont ask me why I made multiple types of corner. For me this was fun & education and I somehow got catch inside my muse :)) !!! Think about position of parts during printing !!! Source file included :) Please share your remixes. Thanks !






