My CoreXY Project
This is my current project CoreXY made up of spare parts I've had left over from other builds and upgrades. PLEASE only build this if you know what you're doing, Hands on wise and Firmware wise, I probably wont be able to help as I'm busy with my studies. This CoreXY utilises the cross belt path using roughly 2 Metres of Gt2 belt. The printer consists of mainly 3D printed parts with the largest part being over 200mm (this part is not essential to the build) it is printable on a standard 200x200x200 machine. You will notice that there are no mounting points for endstops on the X and the Y, this is because I decided that it would be tidier and more simple to utilise the sensorless homing feature available on the TMC2209 stepper drivers. This machine yields great results, with both outstanding speed and accuracy. This machine has been designed entirely from scratch by my self and should not be built to sell. I'll be updating the following section with a parts list when I have the time to do so. Most parts can be found on webstores such as Banggood Parts List - Electricals- Official CR10 Hot end SKR1.4T TMC2209 Stepper drivers (for their sensorless homing) BTT TFT 24 x4 Nema 14 Stepper motors 80x80x10 fan (if using Bed Tray part and definitely recommended if using an enclosure) 30x30x10 fan 40x40 radial fan Xbox 360 203v PSU (or your one of your choice) XT60 Plugs XT30 Plugs Silicone wiring Heat shrink (please please use this) Hardware - 20mm x9mm x0.9mm compression springs Material of Choice (preferably not PLA ad it yields over time) 3 metres of 20 x 20 V slot extrusion. Multi pack of M3 screws of varying lengths M3 Threaded inserts Lots of M4x10mm screws Drop in M4 and M3 T-Nuts 1 flexible stepper motor coupler pack of 20 3mm x 7mmx 3mm bearings 125mmx125mmx3mm aluminium plate x4 M4 countersunk screws M4 nuts Extruder PTFE tubing Riser feet (needed for board and Z stepper space) Motion/moving parts- x1 T8 Lead screw and nut x2 200mm x 6mm linear rods x2 200mm x8mm linear rods x2 6mm linear bearings x2 8mm liner bearings x2 200mm Linear rail Cutting list v-slot - x4 - 260mm x4 - 220mm x4 - 200mm Cutting list linear rods - 6mm rods x2 - 190mm V1 (20/03/21) - Initial release V1.1 (03/04/21) - Updated X axis A and B pulley housings to accept standard 20 tooth pulleys. Added Spreadsheet with links to parts and total cost. V1.2 (28/04/21) - updated LCD panel to allow access to the USB port