![PartidoLiberalPesimista.com - Merchandising](https://3dcrawler.ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com/thingiverse/4801079-PartidoLiberalPesimista-com-Merchandising-847621316.png)
PartidoLiberalPesimista.com - Merchandising
Les traigo merchandising con el logo que hice en su momento para el **Partido Liberal Pesimista**, partido politico informal que aboga por la emigración masiva de sus compatriotas argentinos a mejores paises para una mejor vida. Pueden leer mas en https://partidoliberalpesimista.com Versiones incluidas son: - Placa entera - PLPFull.stl - Llaveros de ~10cm (se puede intentar achicar un cachito mas) - PLPKeyring.stl / PLPKeyringInverted.stl - Placa plana con relieve e invertida - PLPFlatStamp.stl / PLPFlatStampInverted.stl - Partes separadas con snap-fit para imprimir directo en los diferentes colores del PLP (Azul oscuro y Rojo) - Todos los PLPSplit*.stl Test del span-fit en https://youtu.be/81W4t9y6ZRo Impriman, regalen a sus amigos y fliares y no olvidarse de convertir a cuanta persona se pueda a nuestro partido. Si quieren vender impresiones, pueden, y si quieren colaborar conmigo por el laburo, se agradece :D ---- Bringing you some merchandising with the logo I made for the **Partido Liberal Pesimista**, a political party that wants to accomplish massive emigration from its argentine compatriots to better countries for a better life. More info in https://partidoliberalpesimista.com (in Spanish) Included versions: - Full plaque - PLPFull.stl - Keyrings of ~10cm (you can try making it smaller) - PLPFlatKeyring.stl / PLPFlatKeyringInverted.stl - Flat plaque with relief and inverted - PLPFlatStamp.stl / PLPFlatStampInverted.stl - Separated parts with snap-fit tolerancesto directly print it in colors (Dark blue and red specially) - All PLPSplit*.stl files Snap-fit test on https://youtu.be/81W4t9y6ZRo Print them, gift them to your friends, family members, etc, and don't forget to convert anyone who still thinks this place on earth still has a future. You can sell these as prints, and if you'd like to collaborate with me for my work, that'd be appreciated :D ps: Images are renders from Fusion360, I'll soon upload some printed examples.