SILENCE! QIDI X-Max Modifications for Noise Reduction
SILENCE! is a guide for lowering the noise level in your QIDI X-Max printer using high quality fans and noise reducing foam. First of all, one of the noisiest components in your printer is the small and high pitched 30 mm extruder fan. I won't cover replacing it here but you can go with one of my other designs and it will both improve the extruder and keeping it more quiet. The Hercules design involves upgrading the extruder and hotend while the other two use the stock parts with a replacement fan. Hercules - QIDI X-Plus X-Max Carriage for BMG & Dragon / E3D V6: QIDI X-Plus X-Max Extruder Fan Upgrade: QIDI X-Plus X-Max Advanced Extruder Cover: The power supply fan and motherboard fan are also quite noisy, we will replace those here as well as covering the inside of the case with noise reducing foam. Another benefit is that pieces/screws/parts are less likely to drop through to the bottom panel. <b>BOM - Bill of Materials</b> You need the following fans: For the PSU: <a href="" target="_parent">Noctua NF-A6x25 60MM (FLX 12V 3pin)</a> For the Motherboard: <a href="" target="_parent">Noctua NF-A4x20 (FLX 12V 3pin)</a> Optionally, if you want to upgrade your extruder fan using one of my designs above as well, get an additional Noctua NF-A4x20 (FLX 12V 3pin) which you will use for the extruder. You also need some noise reducing foam. You can find some on AliExpress as well, go with a fire retardant version. Unfortunately I sourced mine locally so I can't link to it. You need a minimum of 3 pieces (or one larger) with a dimension of about 40 x 50 cm each. One of these should be enough to cover all panels but I haven't tested this one in particular myself: <a href="" target="_parent">Sound insulation NBR Foam Rubber Mat Flame Retardant 5mm*50cm*200cm</a> You also need a JST crimping tool and some JST-XH terminals and connectors. I'm using this IWISS crimping tool which is inexpensive and is doing a good job. <a href="" target="_parent">IWS-2412M/IWS-2820M Crimping Tools for JAM Molex Tyco JST Terminal and Connector Multi-function wire Stripper Cable Cutter plier</a> If you don't know how to crimp JST connectors, this is an excellent video showing how to crimp with a mini (two step) crimping tool like the IWISS: It's not difficult. Let's get on with the guide below. <b>Caution!</b> Do this at your own risk. Make sure to unplug the printer. It's not difficult but take it slow and follow the guide. Making these changes will not make the printer silent by any means but the noise level is lowered considerably. <b>Donations</b> All my designs are free, they're developed and tested in my spare time and most have source files available for easy editing. If you enjoy this or any of my other designs, a small donation is not needed but welcome. Thanks! :) <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="PayPal Me"></img></a>