Legged Battle Servant MOD

Legged Battle Servant MOD


*UPDATE* 3/26 Removed stand-alone STL files and replaced with new ones in correct scale! 3/35 Added a correctly scaled STL version of the support file so you can just open in any slicer. 3/23 The Lychee support file didn't get uploaded the first time around so I made sure it's available! Check it out now to save you some time. *End Update* May need to adjust SCALE x100-x1000 to be correct. Abdomen should be 26.6mm long and the core should be 25.1mm long. This is an AdMech Kataphron mod designed to be used WITH the GW kit to replace the treads. Inspired by DimensionV's Katarachnophron files but with more pipes and hoses. The hip circle is the same dimension as the GW kit so the upper torso will fit right on this. In addition, there is a square spot on the Abdomen for the plastic exhaust bitz to go on to give variation between the models. Included is a Front Sensor Array or a Front Plate that roughly corresponds to Destroyers and Breachers. Also, there are two leg variants, one with armor and another that is more exposed. If you have suggestions or comments regarding the quality of my STL's and my support work, I would value the feedback! Support file can be opened with Lychee Slicer I modified Sand walker stl's by SebTheis to make the Legs and the Core https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2882646 I used the Heroic Scale Skull by Brexit to make the AdMech skull and cog https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3273007






