Transformers Animated Dirt Boss Figure
It's been more than ten years since the end of Transformers Animated and still nobody has made an attainable figure of Dirt Boss, so I decided to make one myself! The result is far from perfect, as I had to sacrifice some proportions to make him transform properly. I referred to some cancelled prototypes for Dirt Boss figures for design and transformation notes. In order to assemble him you will need a few lengths of 1.75 mm pins, a well as a piece of a thick paper clip for the windscreen joint. His scale is technically accurate to the show (he's bigger than you think), but if you want to make him smaller you're on your own as far as pins and fit. Assembly and transformation are pretty straight forward so I didn't make instructions. The only real thing of note is that you need to slide the torso into the track on the cab section before installing the armatures that connect to the forklift mast. If people are having troubles I'll look into making some instructions or a video. Please note that he does require a bit of painting for some details, such as the lines on his face/torso and his windows. I would recommend using a paint pen for precise application. If anyone has any problems, feel free to contact me and I will do what I can to solve them. EDIT 3/30/21- Was informed that the back torso piece was missing, I have updated the files to fix this. My apologies!