Kamen Rider Fourze's Module On Fourze hands (Updated 04-08-2021)
UPDATE 04-08-2021: Upon rewatching some of Fourze, I found other hand options that could be tossed in. These include files with the names "clap", "point", and "thumb". These hands were made for the 2011 Kamen Rider Fourze candy toy figure line, Module On Fourze, which are 1:18 scale. The toyline has balljointed hands, so I took the models I use for SO-DO custom hands and applied Fourze's balljoint proportions. When pulled out slightly, these offer a little bit of range. As I only have Fourze's main figure, Base States, it must be said these were made for that. However, if any of the other forms share its hand armor design, then they can be used for those figures. The files included: - fourze2011-clap - Despite its name, a hand for when Fourze wants to handshake a new friend. - fourze2011-fist - A clenched fist without an item peghole. - fourze2011-item - Item-holding hands with a 3mm peghole. Fourze's figure feels like it uses a slightly larger peghole size, so this brings it to SO-DO specifications. - fourze2011-open - Standard SO-DO style open hands. - fourze2011-point - Fourze likes to point at things, usually out of costume. - fourze2011-thumb - It may be a thumbs up, but it's also good for activating Astro Switches on the belt. This set is being made without revisiting Fourze. If there are any other hand poses that Fourze might have, I may add onto this post. The title and description will mention if so. In my case, I used a Flashforge Finder Lite to print these in PLA, but the small size means you're better off using a resin approach. Models have been positioned for you. Support needed on all files. SO-DO uses different peghole sizes for the left and right, so these are not made to be mirrored.