Davinci Resolve Speed Editor Stand

Davinci Resolve Speed Editor Stand


Davinci Resolve Speed Editor ​​is a great device, but it has one (or rather two) drawbacks: 1. The angle of inclination of the panel with the buttons is small and therefore you have to reach for the distant keys if you use it with a PC keyboard. 2. There is no backlight. So far I have eliminated the first drawback for myself. I doing development a stand, in which it will be possible to connect a USB lamp. This my stand will add an extra 15 degrees to the angle of the keys. Thus, the angle of inclination of the Speed ​​Editor is now equal to the angle of inclination of the keys on the PC keyboard and fingers reach all the buttons on the Speed Editor. PS: to prevent the stand from sliding on the table, I added 2mm thick Neoprene with an adhesive layer. It has become much better to work!



