CubeAnet 8 - inside out remix - 210x210x260 build volume

CubeAnet 8 - inside out remix - 210x210x260 build volume


..I got my hands on a not finished kit of a CubeAnet 8 and thats where all things started... ...having a SecKit Go² I tried to put as much design principles in the mod with the dogma that I wanted to used all the metal parts of the initial kit (extrusion, linear axis, lead screws etc.). You might just have to exchange some of the M5 screws for longer ones and add a few more since I was going for a more rigid design of the printed parts. You will also need large pulleys (20T) and replace some of the ones with tooth with witout tooh ones (to macht the initial SK-Go² kinematics). Please check out the initial thing 2830408 for the bed mounts/brackets (I was able to use those parts). Here a special thks to BishobMarthen for the initial design. So here we go. On request I just monstered together the upload and you will find all the files unsorted. I will try to find some time to put some more order an a more detailed description together. The extruder carriage is modular and currently designed to take a Hemera. It also has a built in belt tensioner for the xy belts. Until then, just contact me for more details.. Addition: - z lead screw banding wobbling compensation bracket highly recommended! see before (white) after (black) print. It comes in a basic version (the one used for black print) and a spring loaded version (might solve issues with a bed not moving freely on the z-linear rails... if more clearance to fit the disks and nut in the bracket is needed, just let me know, or use the step model of the bracket to modify it on your own.







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