Easter Egg Decorating Lathe
I wanted a lathe for Easter egg decorating. I was not satisfied with what was available. Whipped this up really quick. Everything prints easily without complication. The crank side is fixed and the other slides, with tension provided by a rubber band. A flat base for holding by hand or use a clamp to fix it to your table. Photographs are of my first print. I have since modified the files to be smaller, use less material, and take less time to print. -U se Cyanoacrylate to glue the FixedRiser in place. (locate the rubber band post INSIDE and away from the crank) - Light sanding as necessary to assure the shafts rotate smoothly before assembly - Carefully glue the crank and the shaft lock to the shafts to fix the rotating parts in place. - Install a rubber band - if you need more friction, you can glue rubber band pieces or use Plastic-dip on the EggShaft cups. Yes, it's stupid simple on purpose. Not a lot of time before the holiday!