Ender 3 Filament roller guide with runout and jam optic sensor

Ender 3 Filament roller guide with runout and jam optic sensor


Hello guys, this is my first design here. It's my small contrubition to this great maker community. This design works as a roller filament guide AND a fillament runout or jam sensor, so it's better than just a switch. I hope you like it. The idea was to keep the simplicity and beauty of the original design and increase its functionality. <b>Features:</b> 1) Filament roller guide for 1,75mm and 2,85mm (theoretical, not tested); 2) Filament runout sensor; 3) Filament jam sensor. <b>Parts that you should print:</b> 1 x Pulley; 1 x Support; 2 x Spacer (found on the original design here https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3052488/files). <b>Parts that you should buy:</b> 1 x 608 bearing 1 x M4x20 bolt 1 x M4 nut 2 x Washer 1 x Tcst2103 optical endstop board (*) 1 x Extension cable (included on the endstop sensor) (*) You can find the board sensor there (board dimensions: 10.5mm x 33mm): Brazil: https://produto.mercadolivre.com.br/MLB-1636690824-kit-4-sensor-fim-de-curso-optico-impressora-3d-endstop-ramps-_JM#position=4&type=item&tracking_id=5563026f-fb11-4d1e-9bf7-4e4338d25470 Elsewhere: https://pt.aliexpress.com/item/32815198114.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.2aca51fccNflHU&algo_pvid=59562ddc-21b7-44be-8f47-7cb98299da37&algo_expid=59562ddc-21b7-44be-8f47-7cb98299da37-0&btsid=0b0a557016166350653842667e89ea&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_ After printing you must modify your firmware to enable the filament runout sensor. You can find some instructions here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2mQ4X1J3cs. <b>ATTENTION:</b> 1) I tested this on my Ender 3 with stock 4.2.2 32-bit board that has dedicated pins for runout sensor. If you have a diffente board version, please check how to wire it BEFORE you start printing. I'm not responsible for dead filament ;); 2) Some video/internet imagens shows a wrong creality 32bit board runout sensor pinout. check the right one in the pictures above (Credits: https://notenoughtech.com/3dprint/filament-runout-sensor-for-ender3-v2/); 3) After you flash the firmare you MUST change Fillament Runout Distance from 0 to 40 on your LCD screen and then Store Settings, otherwise the printer will halt everytime. It took me one day to undestand that. (I know that we already changed it on the configuration files, blame Marlin, not me). 4) I recommend that you also print and assembly the top roller guide from this: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4279234 <b>Print Tips:</b> Pulley: I designd this to print without supports, but you need to print it not too fast (40 mm/s) and with cooling because of the high overhang angle on the last part of the pulley. Check the orientation suggestion on the pictures. Support: You gonna need some supports to print support (LOL). I advise you to use tree supports "just touching buildplate", otherwise can be a little tricky to remove them from inside the sensor chamber. Check the pictures. <b>Marlin 2.0.x firmware configuration:</b> <u>Configuration.h:</u> Uncomment #define FILAMENT_RUNOUT_SENSOR Change #define FILAMENT_RUNOUT_DISTANCE_MM 20 Uncomment #define FILAMENT_MOTION_SENSOR Uncomment #define NOZZLE_PARK_FEATURE <u>Configuration_adv.h:</u> Uncomment #define ADVANCED_PAUSE_FEATURE



