


Inspired by the Greek Letter covers, but using the blank/basic one and edited in Blender to add an F to signify Front door. I'm hoping to create a B too, but I've only just started learning Blender. If anyone happens to see this and wants any specific letters, let me know. Update 31.Mar.2021 : basic_slim_F is an attempt to improve on the original design as I thought it was a bit chunky, and my original F was hand drawn, whereas this is now from the Arial font. Also, now using RS DesignSpark as it allows for accurate measurement as you're working on the design. Unfortunately, the first print hasn't come out well, so no photo as yet. Update 2.Apr.2021 : basic_rounded_f is a thinner F and I've rounded some of the edges. Also, the original recess section for the letters got lost, so have added them back. Oh, and it's on both sides now too. I do have a B one ready, but somehow it's corrupting the printer and adding a solid block into the middle of the design. I will upload that after it's redesigned. New cover photo is of this one - I did this at 0.15mm to test for differences, but can't really see any improvement on previous ones. Final Update 20.Apr.2021 : basic_rounded_B2 is a finally working B in the same design as the F



