3DChameleon PTFE Coupler
This is the coupler from the video where I walk you through the PC4-M10 PTFE Coupler to allow the 1.8mm ID PTFE tube to be used to constrict the melted filament as it is retracted out of the hot end to a diameter that will fit within the rest of the system without clogging. You'll need two PC4-M10 connectors from the kit as well as the 85mm section of 1.8mm ID PTFE tube. Insert the two PC4-M10 connectors into each end of the coupler, and then insert the flared end of the 1.8mm PTFE into one end all the way until it meets the stop in the middle. Remove the printers PTFE tube from the hot end and insert it into the other end of the coupler until it reaches the middle as well. Finally, insert it back into the hot end, insuring that it is all the way to the hot end. You can watch the video here: https://youtu.be/LtBYxefDwPc