608 Bearing (Holds high weights)(With Oil Hole)
<head> <style> </style> </head> <body> <h1>THE BEARING FOR BIG BOYS</h1> This smooth new bearing can hold high weights, works under pressure, and if that doesn't work, you can oil it via a hole to reach all the good bits! <br> <br> <p>Type: 608 Bearing <br> Taste: Plasticy (don't eat it) <br> Feel: Plastic (don't eat it) <br> If something goes wrong tell me, I can edit so it suits ur printer <br></p> <br> Please post ur makes! <br> <br><br> DO NOT USE FOR ANYTHING LIKE IDK A SUBMARINE OR SOMETHING THAT SOMEONES LIFE IS DEPENDENT ON IT IS NOT **THAT** STRONG. BUT IT IS PRETTY STRONG this bearing looks nice :D <h6>Uwu I just found out u can do markdown on thingiverse<h6><br><p>The looks of my descriptions will start to improve</p><br><br> <a href="https://thesam.co.nz">My random website</a> <br> <br> <h5>FOOLPROOF SIMPLE BEARING:<h5> <img src="https://thesam.co.nz/images/Nuggets.html"/>