Functioning Door Tile
We're using a laminated 1" grid as a map. The dry erase marker doesn't show doors well. This piece has a place for sticky tack in the center of the base. The idea is to place it when a room is revealed, and then remove the next sheet of paper when the door is opened. The door and pin are shrunk to allow for swinging. I had to lower the resolution on the doorway to get it to upload. UPDATE: The door pin didn't work at such a small scale. A literal pin worked though. I might clean it up, but I might not. Now that I own it, I'm not sure I want it. I don't want to make 11 more to have a functioning set. Depends on the interest of the group. Were I to do it again, I would: 1) Print the lintel separately 2) Use a much finer raft, or no raft at all. 3) Not print the door pin.