Ender 3/ 3 pro/ 3 V2 touchscreen holder for Raspberry PI
I really liked Tronnic his design for the touchscreen case and holder. But I also liked the look of my sd card holder. So I decided to remix it. I used it with a raspberry pi 4 and a 3,5 '' screen from elegoo. The holder can be mounted with two M3 bolts and two T-nuts. I included a model with cow but also one that is empty. I also included step files. Enjoy! The model has to be turned 90 degrees, this way you do not need any support. Other files I used: • https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4184628 this is the case for a raspberry pi 4, Tronnic his design is made for a raspberry pi 3. • https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3050607 this thing provides models to make your own 3d printable T-nuts.