5 Lug Speed Socket (19mm)

5 Lug Speed Socket (19mm)


A prototype socket for taking off lug nuts quickly and contained. 12mm wide and 2mm thick neodymium magnets are used (3 of them). They allow anyone to swap out springs for whatever reason. Glue two on each end of the spring (one side has a indentation for it). Glue the third way down in the socket (best way to do this is slap the magnet you want to mount on the spring, apply glue to the mating surface, and slide the spring in all the way. You can also do this with a long metal rod or whatnot. Ive design this for 19mm bolts for now just to prototype it. 1/2" adaptor. Was watching some NASCAR pit lane stuff. Go America. Magnet I plan on using: https://www.amazon.com/DIYMAG-Refrigerator-Magnets-Premium-Brushed/dp/B07GX7Z4DF/ref=sr_1_15?crid=29MKY62V01VW9&dchild=1&keywords=neodymium+magnet&qid=1617158261&sprefix=neodymiu%2Caps%2C208&sr=8-15







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