RGB DOUBLE HELIX LAMP - easyprint (diffusors needs verry slow print)

RGB DOUBLE HELIX LAMP - easyprint (diffusors needs verry slow print)


3D printed double helix lamp printing hints: all 3d parts can print without support, only add brim to some parts (diffusers and helix, but I printed diffusers without brim), I printed this diffusers with glow in the dark PLA in vase mode verry slowly (16 minutes per part or slower and print environment temperature around 25 degree celsius), print height for helix needed is 200 mm (print time 5 hours per part), electronic parts : arduino nano WS2812B strip 2x 14 LED's (60 leds per meter) 10 mm width! micro switch (6x6x10) power outlet and power supply (or use usb power) In my video I have used some examples from the fastled library to show you some possible effects and how beautiful a rainbow can look. ;) I am very curious about the programs and functions that you implement. Would be great if one or the other would share their example code. hints and links: you can use any led strip that is 10 mm wide and has 60 leds per meter I think this should work: https://www.amazon.de/dp/B01CDTE9UC/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_PY4MRGA6DYA15G48P424?_encoding=UTF8&th=1 or https://www.amazon.de/dp/B01MG49QKD/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_42FMDE35K20EYF4X51E1 you just have to be careful, there are strips that are wider than 10 mm! If your button is too short, take some glue and stick something on it. If it is too long, sand it off. There are tons of such buttons on Ebay or Amazon. https://www.amazon.de/dp/B08DTXD38S/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_WJHAJTTAD4TJJ4YN93W8?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 I bought my power supply from Pollin, I think it was this one: https://www.pollin.de/p/steck-schaltnetzteil-quatpower-xy-0502000-e55-21-5-v-2-0-a-352249 But then you still need a suitable socket such as this: https://www.pollin.de/p/einbau-hohlbuchse-450596 It is easier with an old USB cable. But it depends on the settings of the program how much power you need. I think if the LED is operated with full brightness in all colors, i.e. it shines almost white, it should need 60 mA. That would be a 2 A power supply for the lamp. In the programs in the video, however, the LEDs are always dimmed and so I did not get over 500 mA. As you can see, the source code also matters. update 18.04.2021 I added a version "Base_larger_gap_without_inbuild_support.STL". There I doubled the gap for the button (0.3mm to 0.6mm). I have also expanded the recordings for the Helix (0.07 mm to 0.3 mm). I hope this also helps printers that are not as accurate as the Prusa. This is without inbuild support, so you must use support from slicer. Maybe you should only print the bottom 2 or 3 layers of the base first and see if it fits. update 28.04.2021 I added a file "Helix-Strip_12mm_V2_not_tested.STL" for a 12mm wide strip. Here the walls are a bit thin. I haven't tested this version, maybe someone with a 12 mm strip can give feedback. In addition, I widened the holes in the file from 6.1 mm to 6.4 mm because some makers said they were too narrow.






