Ingenuity model from NASA files

Ingenuity model from NASA files


Edit April 23rd 2021: This thing is MUCH better than my work in progress: Try it instead, it is already printable and all the mods I wanted to do are already done :-) I downloaded the 3D model directly from here split the model in more easily printable parts and converted them in STL format. I plan to print it soon to be ready for the first flight next week! I think it is a full scale (1:1) model. I will have to scale it to around 20% to be able to print it on the bed of my Mega S. The only worry I have is for the rotating blades, they will need supports for sure, unless I cut them up in more parts. I'll see. I will be uploading make pictures as soon as possible. Edit April 4th 2021: If you print it at 20% scale, the antenna and pins are too small to print correctly. Edit April 5th: I'm printing it at 20% scale. I split the body in two parts to avoid supports. To-do list: The top of the body where the legs are glued will have to be redesigned in order for the legs to fit perfectly and be glued solidly. The connectors should be fused with the rotating axle of the blades somehow. Maybe also extend the axle and make a hole in the body for it. Maybe create an axle that goes right through the two blades and into the body,






