Nest Thermostat 3rd Gen Clip on mount

Nest Thermostat 3rd Gen Clip on mount


===Clip works well connecting the thermostat, however just the usb connection does not seem to feed the wifi connection without the connector. I'll see if I can replicate the connector as well in the design=== Additional mount for the 3rd gen Nest Thermostat. Allowing me to have an alternative steady wall mount for my thermostat. We use a fireplace in the winter, the additional mount now has a permanent place at the upper level so that the central heating will still function for those levels. This additional mount allows you to just clip off from the one location and move it to the other wall mount without the need to unscrew anything. Has room for 90 degree micro usb connection to power the thermostat. I stripped an old one and glued it in place. Dimensions usb plug 10 x 6 mm.






