Boscoyo Spooky Eyes Bullet Adapter

Boscoyo Spooky Eyes Bullet Adapter


This is an adapter to allow you to use bullet pixels instead of square or module pixels with Boyscoyo Spooky Eyes for Halloween lighting. There are two parts here. Part one screws onto the back of the Spooky Eyes tube using the screws included by Boscoyo. Once done it's easy to insert the 12mm bullet pixels. Part 2 is a round dis that you insert into the tube using a pliers to keep the light leaking from the left eye to the right eye and vice versa. You can then control each eye independently in you sequencing software to have one eye blinking. This disk is designed to fit into the tube without the white insert provided by Boscoyo to limit light bleeding from one eye to the other. You will have to cut the white insert in half to cover each eye after inserting the disk. The Boscoyo Spooky Eyes can be found here:



