BTTF Time Circuits Keypad TRW Enclosure

BTTF Time Circuits Keypad TRW Enclosure


This a replica model of the infamous TRW keypad enclosure, that served as the entry point for the time circuits in the Back to The Future movies. This was molded directly from diagrams provided by the guys who did the A car restoration is 99.121 percent accurate. There are two versions of the enclosure - full and movie cut. There's also a custom electronics mount board I designed to work with the French Time Circuits kit, however it should work with any other setup and has built-in light dams to keep the upper LED's from lighting up the white lens as well as the button. This also has the 10 key face plate that fits nicely into the enclosure from behind. If you like and use it, please consider donating a small pittance, as this took well over 60 hours to model, and then test, dial in, test dial in some more, and so forth so there should be minimal effort. Note that although there is obvious places for the keypad assembly, speaker, lights and pushbutton, there is not for the circuit board. I left that so you can mount it however you decide, maybe with spacers or stand-offs - and drill your own holes for that. Nevertheless, plenty of room to get it all in.



