30 Degree Filament spool holder for Filler - The Customizable Filament Holder

30 Degree Filament spool holder for Filler - The Customizable Filament Holder


I made a mount to support the Filament Holder that https://www.thingiverse.com/HugoHuge created. I have angled forward the spool holder by 30 degrees so that the filament takes a more direct path for direct drive extruders and isn't as likely to jump off the spool especially when the Z axis is high. I also decided to support two holders (which I've seen others do as well, and I like that design). It's very secure without them, but I also included two M5 sized holes (M4 will fit too) so that the holder can be fastened to the 2020 extrusion with two bolts and T-nuts.



