Ender 3 - SD Extension Holder With Rail Clip
I really liked the SD card holder but did not want to remove screws to mount it decided to Remix two design so I clip to the rails. Here are the two designed I remixed. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3031488 - to get the rail clip https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2917151 - Used the SD card holder I have up loaded two designs, 1 - Was my first attempt and the clip broken when i tired to mount it. I am pretty sure this because i printed it from the bottom up. 2 - I decided to redesigned and more space between the clip and the SD card holder and make the clip longer. I printed this with the back of the SD card holder down on the print bed and this seems to have better results. If any decided to print design 1 pleases let me know how it turns out.