Rubber Band Deagle (Desert Eagle) (3D Printable)
<h1>3D Printable Rubber Band Deagle</h1> <h6> I mean... Idk but u may be able to CNC it aswell.</h6> <h2>UNTESTED</h2> <h6>print at ur own risk</h6> <h2>NOTE: Fusion360 Crashed Before I saved it to cloud so now changes will be harder without source</h2> No Screws needed. All you need is a 3D Printer and glue. Glue each side together. (Not the moving parts) Slot in the dowels. Load a band on the back, and shoot! I made this cos my old rubber band gun broke and I wanted to make something :D Sadly the back bits need supports so place all bits with half facing down (Like in image(But with diff sides ofc)) On Ender 3 U can print all but 1 piece at the same time <h5>IT IS 2 DIFFERENT PARTS COS MY FRIEND WANTED EACH SIDE A DIFFERENT COLOUR SORRY FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE </h5> If tolerances are too tight then dip the dowels into boiling water for a few seconds <strong>(WITH TONGS!!)</strong> and then press them in.