DJI FPV Digidapter Headtracker
This case allows you to mount the Arduino Nano 33 BLE based head tracker by dlktdr ( to the BDI Digidapter. For wiring of the Arduino, please refer to the Headtracker Github page On the Digidapter side, follow these steps: - 5V: available from the lowest pin of the Fatshark module interface (see image) - GND: connects to the third pin from below (see image) - If you chose to use wired PPM output as I did, you will have to connect the PPM output to one of the "not connected" pins (in my case: the upper most pin). This pin has to be routed to the audio-ouput jack of the Digidapter. As the PPM signal is assigned to the tip of the trainer cable's 3,5mm audio-jack, it has to be connected to "audio right (R)". To do that, you just have to add a jumper wire as depicted in one of the images above. I powered the system up (which worked fine) but didn't test the PPM output to my Taranis so far - hence I marked this Thing as work in progress. Sorry for the messy hotglue, but it does its job (strain relief and insulation). The "Handle" STL file can be glued to the middle of the pin header and makes removing the connector much easier.