TBS Triumph Pro antenna cap

TBS Triumph Pro antenna cap


Spare cap or replacement of original TBS Triumph Pro antenna cap. During a crash I lost one cap. Fortunally I had another antenna to create a copy of the orignal one. I printed i PLA and used a brim to get it stick to the print bed well. See last photo of print with brim. I remove as much brim as possible first and then place it on the antenna so you can hold it better. Then I remove any remaining brim parts by scratching it off with a scalpel. But everyone can do it their own way. Just a tip. No glue needed to mount the cap. It just pops on like the original one. Printed at 200 °C with 0.2 mm layer height using a 0.4mm nozzle, so very standard configuration. Prints in 5 min.







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