Customizable Harbor Freight Storage Bin System (OpenSCAD)
This is a very partial derivative of arnoldcp's design (which was a remix of imcat's design). The focus of this remix is to share the OpenSCAD code for producing Harbor Freight-compatible storage bins, for those who don't want to license and install Fusion 360. Minor differences from arnoldcp's bin design: - The walls are sloped, similar to the OEM HF walls. Note that this means the dimensions apply to the top of the bin. - The bins are designed around the alignment screws; the corner rounding of the bin will be the same as the radius of the screw heads you choose as alignment pins (I used #4 sheet metal screws), and the screw should exactly align with the corner of the bin. Unless the Thingiverse customizer starts working, you'll need OpenSCAD ( ) and the excellent Belfry OpenScad Library, v2.0, ( ). Both are free and open source. I've included one STL file as a sample, but the point of this Thing is to use OpenSCAD.