Super Six - Family Dice Game
SUPER 6 is a dice game for the whole family. In German-speaking countries, you can find different names: "Ab in die Box", "6 gewinnrt", "6 raus" or „Endlich die 6“ and many more! To win, besides dice luck, tactical ability is also required. Dimensions: L 125 x W 125 x H 70 mm The equipment of the game should include: 1 dice, at least 36 sticks and the playing field, a "container" with a hole in the center of the lid (labeled "6") and 5 slots around it, labeled with the numbers "1" to "5". In stores, this game is often offered in wood ... here you will find the files to print it on your 3D printer and thus make a custom, unique version! Here you can find a few more ideas for color combinations: To print your individual game, you’ll need the following files: 1x Super 6_CASE.stl 1x Super 6_TOP.stl 4x Super 6_Tokens10pcs.stl 1x Super 6_Inlay_Super6.stl 1x Super 6_Inlays_1-6.stl 1x Super 6_Dice.stl Furthermore you need the following materials: a rod Ø 2mm and 110mm long, e.g. from the metal bars of wire hangers or a bit of filament. superglue, small screwdriver (for inserting and pressing the inlays), possibly Screw clamps and small metal/wood plate (to fix the inlays in their recesses). Remark: As all parts are designed to fit very precisely, it may happen that you have to rework one or the other part a bit with sandpaper and/or cutter due to different dimensional accuracy of the printers and the different behavior of the filaments. Assembly: The assembly is actually self-explanatory. The attached photos help additionally! A few tips nevertheless: when gluing the inlays, be very careful. Only very small amounts of superglue should be applied ... a little is more! the rod should be bent a little before insertion so that it is fixed after insertion and cannot slip out again. cover the bottom with felt. This reduces the rattling noise. Rules of the game GOAL: The first person to get rid of all his sticks wins. The last one to get rid of his sticks loses. PLAYERS: 2 to 6. The sticks are distributed among the players. It is possible to have more players, but then you need more sticks. Each player should have at least 6 of them at the beginning. START: The first player rolls the dice, e.g. a 5, and then may put one of his sticks into the empty hole at the number 5. Then it is the next player's turn. He may also put one of his sticks into a hole that corresponds to the number he rolled. If he rolls a number that is already occupied, he must take the existing stick and the game continues in turn. If you roll a six, the stick falls into the game box and is gone. The number of sticks slowly decreases and the game comes to an end. In the first round, you may only roll the dice once, otherwise the first player would have an advantage. TACTICS: From the second round, you may roll the dice more than once, provided you were able to discard one of your sticks on the first try. As soon as you have had to take a stick, the next player takes his turn. However, you should weigh the chances: if more than three holes are free, it is recommended to continue. If only 1 hole is free, you should pass the dice to the next player. If you roll an "occupied" number, your turn is over and you have one more stick than before... So it's not only luck that counts, but also a little bit of willingness to take risks. END: As the game progresses, the sticks slowly diminish due to the 6es rolled, and the point is reached when a player can give up his last stick. This is the winner. However, you can continue playing until only one player is left with sticks, that is the loser