Magnetic Torch wall

Magnetic Torch wall


5mm sphere magnetic modular torch wall, compatible with all my others! This edit is very similar to the remix however I made it with DevinJones cut stone wall and added some adjustments. STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS. I believe this is definitely an easy setup but I have a model I'm working on that will be even more simple. Basically, this model allows for the wiring of an LED in a torch wall that is still modular and magnetic. After setup, it's a very easy wall to use. Place anywhere and to light up all you do is remove the top and add a battery. Then obviously replace the top and you're good to go! I included a separate torch file because it looks better if printed separately. I make my flames around the LED just by using a Hot Glue gun. (this is not shown in the picture) I also created a generic and multi-use battery cradle in case you wanted that as well! Hope you enjoy it!







Toys & Games