Fanatec Clubsport v3 Pedal Clutch delete and brake reposition spacers

Fanatec Clubsport v3 Pedal Clutch delete and brake reposition spacers


## Overview I've struggled with knee pain while sim racing on my Fanatec Clubsport V3 pedals due to the brake pedal placement. Some folks have successfully swapped the brake and clutch pedals to help with this, but I think this is a sub-par solution and ends up causing issues with the brake rumble motor wire not being long enough. I decided to design a new set of spacers that would position the pedals in a more comfortable location while not having to lose the brake rumble motor. Overall, it'll take you 1-1.5 hours to disassemble and re-assemble the pedals, and you only really need a couple of allen wrenches to do the job. While you're in there, make sure you re-grease everything for smooth operation! See a video: Get a set on eBay: ## Directions 1. Take off the heel rest by removing the 3 front screws. Unplug all the cables from the PCB. 2. Take off the 3 red allen screws on the left side of the pedal base that go into the three main support bars. These can be tight! 3. Carefully take off all 3 pedal assemblies, spacers, and bushings. 4. Take off the bar that holds the pcb assembly 5. Put the spacers and pedal assemblies back in. The print is laid out so that the top row of spacers corresponds to the back support bar, and the right-most spacer is the right-most spacer on the pedal. Keep in mind that the back row is all slightly different sizes, so it's important to get this right. 6. Make sure you don't forget the middle support bar! 7. Do a test assembly. I had to sand mine down just a hair so that the spacers would not bind the pedals when moved. 7. re-assemble the base and plug wires back in. 8. Enjoy!






