EMCO router aid on lathe, dial holder
The dril column on a EMCO Compact 8 Lathe can be used as a router tool. To measure the depth of the router bit I use a dial gauche. I have made a holder fo this gauche. It is fastened to the dril tool by a short M6 wire rod and nut in an existing M6 hole. To keep the holder in place I use a 12 mm Ø wooden pin of 25 mm in another hole, see photo. Of coarse you can 3D print a pin too. The dial is fastened on the holder by a M5 bolt and a fill up ring to reduce the hole of the dial mounting lip. I have designed a shallow slot in the holder in which the M5 nut, to fix the dial, can slide. It is that shallow that only the flat side of the nut fits. This is to prevent the nut from turning during fastening the bold. It is designed for a rather big M5 nut. If necessary you dan adjust the depth of this slot. Fusion 360 files are added