Dust Collection Shoe for X-Carve Remix
https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3053371 is a great dust shoe for the X-Carve CNC but I made a couple small modifications and also have gotten a list of other parts for a BOM that was missing from the original. The reason I like this dust shoe is it is independent of the Z-axis. Several versions attach to the spindle holder and move with the spindle which can sometimes cause the dust shoe to push on the work piece and/or clamps. This version mounts to the X-Axis carriage and lets you lock the height in before the cut starts so you just adjust it down to your work piece height and the spindle will travel up and down freely in the hole of this dust collector. The parts I changed were: the left and right arm. I made the hole sides and the slot size larger so it fit the screw I used in my BOM. I made the rectangle slot in the top and bottom brackets a little bigger because the t-track I used needed lots of sanding to get it to fit and still needed a clamp to press it in. I also created the "brush insert" which is a piece to use if you get the brush I used that will take up the extra space in the slot and help hold the brush place for gluing/screwing. In addition to the 3D printed parts you will need: - An X-Carve, obviously (any modifications to yours, especially the Z-axis and spindle holder, may make this dust shoe not work) - 3/4x1/2 inch T-track fixturing track (the kind with a single slot). 2 pieces cut at 140mm was what I used. Can be purchased here https://www.mcmaster.com/1850A11/ - Two 1/4-20 T-nuts (the longer 1 inch ones make it easier to assembly later by using a tool to hold them up in the track why lining up the bolt into them). Can be purchased here https://www.mcmaster.com/1850A29/ - Two 1/4-20 Hex Head Screws. Can be purchased here https://www.mcmaster.com/92240A541/ - Four 1/4-20 Hex Nuts. Can be purchased here https://www.mcmaster.com/91845a029 - Eight 1/4-20 Button Head Screws. Can be purchased here https://www.mcmaster.com/92949A541/ - Brush - I got a 1 inch tall brush, some people want longer but I bought 3 feet of this and had lots of extra. Can be purchased at https://www.mcmaster.com/7900T707/