Coriolis Station from Elite Dangerous at 1:25237 scale

Coriolis Station from Elite Dangerous at 1:25237 scale


1:25237 scale model of a Coriolis Station (actually ~25237.5 but close enough). About 8cm from front to back. Optionally can have an interior with detachable front held onto by magnets. Included versions for varying magnet sizes, what seemed to be some of the more common sizes, plus the one I used (1x1mm neodymium fancy pants magnets). Also stands for displaying. 3 types, difference being onto which face it slots into. Also also available is an information plaque about the station, for slightly fancier displaying. Maximum nozzle size of 0.4mm for the plaque, and even then it's kinda on the limit of printable at 100% scale (at least with legible text). The assembly instructions included in the zip files are intentionally minimalist and IKEA-like, but which also means I have no idea if they make any sense to anyone but me. **Please do ask for clarifications if you feel the need!** One note is that the assembly order is only critical if you do the optional thing of using alignment pins. *Update 2021-07-08:* Added .f3d file. Intended to include but forgot.



