Digital indicator holder for thickness measurement
#Digital indicator holder for thickness measurement ##What a name Digital indicators can be buyed very cheap from aliexpress: [Link]( They are working fine, but if you want to measure a thickness of ... for example your first layer (theme bedleveling), you need a holder. Several adaptors on thingiverse are available, but they mostly are mounted on the X-Rail (Hotend) so, yes. If you absolutely know how long is your nozzle, then you can calculate the layer-thickness, but next time you reassemble your hotend, you have to measure your nozzle length again. So i deside to create two holder which are measuring the thickness of a layer, a paper a foil or something else directly. You insert your digital indicator into the Holder (unscrew the upper rod before). Rescrew the upper rod to fix the indicator. Now position the holder on the base. Switch it on and push the "zero" button to level the ground. After that, you can position the holder to the desired object. The thickness will automatically/directly displayed. I designed a narrow version and a wider version with three pods to define the surface in absolute.