Table vice

Table vice


The vice is 60 * 100 * 30mm with a clamping space of 60 * 70mm I printed the spindlethreat with 100% filling, the rest with 20% Assembly instructions: Vice: The base, guides and fore jaw are one whole. Turn the spindle treat through the treatbase from the inside until the square pin is completely visible on the outside. Slide the spindle threat rosette into the recess of the push jaw and then over the guides of the base. Place the treatbase in place against the guides, making sure that the 2 pins on the inside enter the guides. Press it on well and screw the theater base on. Push the knob over the square pin of the spindlethreat. G clamp Push the head of the screw through the screw hole and turn the screw slightly. Press the cap over the convex head of the screw with some force.





