Mounting frame for window in printer housing

Mounting frame for window in printer housing


<b>Visit my website for more information: []( ""). <b>I would be very happy about a [Tip]( "Tip"). I opted for a purely utilitarian but highly functional housing for my printer. No colorful and flashing lights, no gimmicks. For me, it's a working machine and I've never seen anyone put their CNC milling machine in a brightly lit plexiglass case. I have built my housing from cheap mdf boards. From the inside it is equipped with 20 mm closed porous XPS insulating foam panels for acoustic and thermal insulation. The mounting frame makes it easy to install a polycarbonate pane as a window in any housing. This can easily conceal inaccurate sawing in the wood and everything looks neat. The cutout must have the dimensions 194 x 194 mm, with the edge 5 mm wider (this is the buffer in which you may not saw accurately). The polycarbonate pane may be a maximum of 189 x 189 mm, and I recommend subtracting 1 mm. The installation depth is 25 mm. Don't forget that the filament you choose must be able to withstand the temperatures inside the package. I have taken the liberty of quoting Albert Einstein for motivation. > --------------------------------------------------------- > Ceterum censeo martem esse abeundum. > ---------------------------------------------------------



