M.2 SSD screw
I recently used some old PC parts I had lying around to build a family PC. I was missing a screw for the M.2 SSD I bought to complete the build and decided to make one. You'll notice the lack of threads, that is because this part is too small to add threads in the printing process. I used the M.2 standoff to make the threads, I took the standoff out of the motherboard and carefully threaded the plastic screw using some vice grips to hold the screw steady, pliers and a steady grip should also work. On my printer the first layer melted over slightly and gunked up the flat head work area, I had to cut into the area with a hobby knife in order to use it. I have changed the print slightly to avoid this, if it causes further issues please let me know or remix it for a better fit. In order to keep the screw in place when actually applying the M.2 drive I used sticky tac to keep the bolt from falling off, similar sticky substances should have the same effect. The example pictures use a bigger motherboard standoff and motherboard screw that I made quickly to use as example photos Unfortunately while I was threading it the screw broke. This should serve as a warning to be careful if you use this as a solution for your missing M.2 screw, and remember to replace your plastic screw with a real metal one later and it wouldn't hurt to buy a replacement M.2 standoff along side it, just in case. My M.2 screw is working perfectly fine in the PC currently.