eSkate PU Sleeves for 90mm Hub Motor

eSkate PU Sleeves for 90mm Hub Motor


Wheels to print in TPU. Designed a bit tight to fit on 90mm wheels. Rear : Inner diameter = 88.5mm Outer = 102.5mm width = 56mm Front : Inner diameter = 89mm Outer = 103mm width = 62mm I recommend to warm the wheels in hot water to put them on. Tested the rear only for 1 months and 150kms, they're holding well. Edit : Add the front wheels too, trickier to design because it need more grip in the front. /!\ I recommand to glue on the front. The original wheels on front are softer than the hub motors at the back and when they warm up they tend to slip off without glue... Otherwise it's working well, the TPU wheels protect the hub motors, absorb shock, etc ... I've tested under light rain, it's much better than the slick original wheels but I would not go full carving ... I find this diameter a good compromise between torque, battery life and confort. - Use at your own risk - Printed with a 1mm nozzle, full perimeters in TPU (95A i think ?)



