Hooligan Mask Stock

Hooligan Mask Stock


this is version 4 of this stock, I have played a few games with an earlier version with no issues so far. Its been amazing and the length of pull feels pretty good. the biggest changes I made from V3 was how the butt pad was attached and some bolt hole locations. PARTS you need at least 13 M3x 20 countersunk bolts, a 1/8th inch drill bit and a bolt that matches your original spring guide threads if you don't want to cut yours down. this was inspired by a stock from Sig for their MCX, but I didn't feel like spending 300$ on a stock so I designed my own. this works extremely well for wearing either a thicker mesh mask or a gas mask here are the links to the bolts and nuts you will need for this project. https://www.amazon.ca/Bluemoona-100-Pcs-Hexagon-M3x20mm/dp/B01KDJ19ES/ref=sr_1_32?crid=2QMNS8FR393SB&dchild=1&keywords=m3x20mm&qid=1618192021&sprefix=m3x20%2Caps%2C221&sr=8-32 https://www.amazon.ca/uxcell%C2%AE-Carbon-Steel-Hexagon-100pcs/dp/B01IWUSDYY/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=m3+nut&qid=1618192822&sr=8-5



