Monster head that throw up slime
The model exported very small from ZBrush so the first thing to do is: in slicer put Z size to at least 50mm with uniform scaling. Then I recommend printing it in two pieces: - First, move Z to -25mm - Second, rotate 180º and the move Z to -25mm This will do the trick since the slicer will only print from Z 0mm and above. Slicer settings: Wall thickness to 2mm and 1 or 2 walls (I prefer 2) Keep the rest as default (Cura) Filament type: TPU Once both pieces printed, use white glue, and with your finger cover all the inside surface with a layer of it. This will prevent slime filtrations. White glue should dry off in 24 to 48 hours. Cut the mouth and the eyes with a Dremel or similar tool. Then glue both pieces with cyanoacrylate and fill the head with slime. Last but not least: enjoy it! Video: (I added my gcode files as a sample)