PrinterMods MDD V1.3 Gantry Plate Hole Layout

PrinterMods MDD V1.3 Gantry Plate Hole Layout


Could not find any 3D files for PrinterMods MDD V1.3 Gantry Plate anywhere on the web. So here is the best possible solution to it. I measured positioning and sizes with calipers so holes should be pretty darn close to exact positions maybe .01mm off in some places but small enough it should be negligible. Included are the freecad std, step, and stl files if anyone wants to take it and improve it. Not the best with cad yet so there is nothing for the lower wheel hole and i removed the belt retention arms to just make this a layout for the gantry plate. NOT A PRINTED FILE, USE FOR REFERENCE ONLY WHEN BUILDING PARTS!!! NOT LIABLE FOR DAMAGE TO PRINTER IF YOU DECIDE TO PRINT IT ASSUMING IT TO WORK. Update: Went ahead and added the files that include the belt arms and bottom wheel ring. The wheel ring isnt quite right shape wise where it rolls back into the main body, but from midpoint down the shape is correct. Again anyone that wants to correct how it looks, I have included the freecad std, step, and stl. Please comment if you do find any out of line holes and I will correct it as soon as I can.



