Duet3 Mini 5+ Ender 3 Case

Duet3 Mini 5+ Ender 3 Case


DONT BUILD... It just too tight for the Mini 5+ I'll leave this up for people to use and get ideas but there just isn't room in the E3 front box. Everything will fit but you wont have any air flow. Updates prototype Pi holder and vent fans.. should be up under the build plate and not get plugged with scrap plastic. If they do I'll build caps. Double fan should pull air from left to right. You'll want to seal the holes as much as you can after wiring. Should draw air from below and right past the MC heat spread on the bottom of the board. Front case for standard Ender3 for the Duet3 min 5+. if you use both parts it classes up the front of your Ender 3. Plus its a good place to fit a fan to blow/suck from one compartment into the other. Still WIP need to make the lids. and a option tray for fans or whatever to share between the two sections. Note: the SBC cable hook up is on the wrong side of the board but it long enough you can mount the pi in the right side. I'll make that option at some point. I didn't make the original, just modified for the mini 5+ be linking and crediting the original author as soon as I find them again.



