Ender 3 Filament Roller Guide (Remixed)

Ender 3 Filament Roller Guide (Remixed)


From https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3052488 Ender 3 family's spool holder is mounted on top which made a steep angle of filament entry. This can result in unsmooth filament feed into the extruder. the change is done by the following list - the filament roller bracket is lengthened by 15mm to let the filament feed into the dual gear metal extruder more naturally - Adding another fillet bridge to the filament roller bracket - The socket in the bracket is expanded for easier insertion into the Z gantry - The roller is reconfigured by increasing the outer diameter to protect the filament from slipping out of the roller groove The material in the following list is required - M3*20mm bolt - M3 nylon lock nut - 608 ball bearing



